What do we do?
It's simple: we bring things to life.
The company is strongly inolved in both IoT professional and research project. Main tasks are building the efficient devices to enable Internet of Things architectures, green and better world, while being involved in the conferences organizations.
- IoT Projects
Smart Parking Sensors
Smart Irrigation Systems
- Conferences
SpliTech 2020
GCGW 2020

Application Experiment H-Beacon received the I4MS-SAE Label, recognising its excellent implementation, high potential for further deployment and innovative aspect. Waveform is proud to participate and take this academic achievement to life and become a part of the market.
The I4MS-SAE label is granted to Application Experiments and consecutively to participating companies which were accepted for funding through the financial support for third parties (FSTP) mechanism.
ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) & Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) are initiatives promoted by the European Commission to foster the digital innovation of SMEs in Europe in order to boost their competitiveness.
Task of H-Beacon experiment is to develop machine learning algorithms to estimate soil humidity from the strength of the LoRa-beacon IoT signal.

waveform basics
our services
To enable IoT functionalities there are plenty of required activities. Along development of devices and supporting software architectures, conference organisation and active involvement is a major requirement to create new connections and maintain at the top of technology advancement.
IoT systems development
IoT systems can be complex. To create usable platform, a number of developments and integrations are required. This ranges from building IoT devices up to developing supporting web/software. We can do that.
Project Proposals and Management
Activley collaborating with other partners to prepare project proposals while activly being part of it.
Conference development
Actively participating in the number of the activities regarding the preparation and conference organiation, while taking care of its visual identity.
Basic info about company

Petar Šolić
Address: Kupreška 14, Croatia. VAT ID: HR14335928185 IBAN: HR0823400091111058649 SWIFT: PBZGHR2X Bank address: Privredna banka Zagreb d.d., Radnička cesta 50, 10 000 Zagreb, Hrvatska
mail and inquiries: petar@waveform.hr